ad luminum
Friday, January 18, 2008
Monday, August 13, 2007
new blog
With the launch of my new site way back in early spring, I started a blog linked to my business. Too much to keep up both, as readers might have noticed the lamentably long time between the last post and this. Please visit me at
ars magna lucis et umbrae to catch up.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Saturday, January 20, 2007
huge month
It's been ages since I posted, or it feels like ages anyway. We have been to Thailand, via Taipei, San Antonio, via Dallas(where we watched the Seahawks game in an airport bar), and once again back to dog beach with the newly vet approved Sadie.
I intend to get images from out Thailand trip up soon. Also a new website will be emerging soon as well. Trent and I, after much deliberation, have decided to forego using my ownname, and are going forward with ARS MAGNA STUDIO instead. Comments and thoughts on this change are welcome.
Settling back into the San Diego winter has felt furiously fast. I am begining week three of my winter classes, and field trips begin on Tuesday.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Thursday, November 30, 2006
family portraits
Trent and I had a great time visiting my family in Boston. Here a a few picture of family members.
Ayden and sister Emily post Thanksgiving dinner.

Trent, waiting to warm up in the Black Dog Tavern on Martha's Vineyard.

My parents after seeing Motif #1 in Rockport.

My ggrandmother on her 89th birthday.