Tuesday, April 25, 2006

budding visual artists

Carlos, age 8- "I don't like drawing with these(pointing to his markers) I want to draw with the colors I see."
Thomas, age 10 " Art is a great thing because you take all your ideas and put it on paper. But art is also magicalbecause you feel the expression of the idea."

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Comercial Mexicana

This is a huge supermarket, a national chain. It is the place where you can buy various household good and socks and underwear, a place that incorporates bitty restaurants and bakeries. Comercial is huge and well lit, and arranged for complete leisure shopping.

Supermarkets are a good place to learn the language. For example today I picked up tocino and endulzante, and in context I understood them to mean bacon and sweetener respectively.

Vegetables in Mexico, although inclusive of items (like cactus, or nopales) I have no idea of how to cook, are pretty straightforward. Buying meat is not so easy. The cuts aren’t the same as I am used to. We bought some New York steak, which was cut as thinly as meat in Italy.

Hot tortillas, and freshly made tortilla chips can be found. Mustard, something I consider a standard, cannot. The candy aisle drives me a little mad, as all I want is to eat tamarindo or other delicious dulces. And yes, they sell Fanta, even in teeny tiny 250ml bottles.

Jesus Christ's am talk show out of LA

This morning I had to drive back across the border to shoot a wedding with my friend Kristen Peelle. I left pretty early to avoid any major traffic. Trent was heading north too, and pulled over at the end of our street to tell me about this program his listens to on Sunday mornings. He reluctanly gave me the station telling me it would just make me angry. I tuned in anway and was amazed to be listening to The Jesus Show, "with you holy host, Jesus Christ."
It was what can only be described as an interesting experience. This man referred to himself as Jesus, answering theological questions and helping to solve life's problems with scripture. It was not, as I initally assumed, a born again fanatic show. He was playing lots of secular music ncluding the Yeah, Yeah Yeahs, and the original Depeche Mode Personal Jesus. And he was clearly read and educated, and spoke Hebrew. Much of what he said had to do with seeing the difference between the perscriptions of scripture and the descriptions of the time of Jesus' (his) life.
It kept me going through the border traffic. It was kind of like going to church, right?
