emily: 24 hours in dan diego

Emily arrived last night, just after the laundry incident. We went to El Zarape down the street for dinner, where we were mistaken for a couple by a tipsy woman on a food break from the women's night wet t-shirt contest at Bourbon Street, the gay bar by my house. That was a first for us. Dinner was delciious as usual. We were both pretty exhausted, so after a brief stop to see the fuss at Bourbon Street(contest was already over) we went back home.
We were sitting in our pajamas and underwear on the bed talking for hours, when Trent called, and then not only were we up late on my bed in our underwear, but now I was talking to my boyfriend on the phone and we fell into a fit of giggles at our grownup slumber party.
Saturday morning after breakfast, we walked into Hillcrest so Emily could get a haircut. I took her to Hairspray, and she was satisfied with the whole experience. We ate a light lunch at Bread and Cie(cheese plate and tomato soup with french bread!) and then went over to pick up Trent, some wetsuits and surfboards and went to the beach to go surfing.
Emily did well for her first time. She stood up a few times. I am feeling more comfortable, learning to paddle and catch waves on my own, and had fun sitting on my board watching the waves and turning myself around, but still need to work on my pop up.
Waterlogged and chilled, we went for dinner to the Chicken Pie Shop, and stuffed ourselves with chicken pie and fruit pie, coleslaw and mashed potatoes. After dinner, back to the boardwalk, and people watching at the amusement park.
It was a good day.
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